You may or may not have heard, but as of 8th September this year, a new rule fell into place for sunscreen regulations in New Zealand.
Up until now it has been voluntary to complete your 10 subject testing for SPF Certification. So, that means you could write whatever you want on the SPF label without having to prove it was true.
Crazy huh!!!! Especially with the sun being so harsh here!!
It is now compulsory if you want to show your SPF label, you have to comply to have completed the 10 subject testing, or face up to $600,000 in fines.
This is a great step in the right direction for sunscreen regulations here in NZ, and is welcomed by us with open arms. We want to reassure our customers that our products are already fully tested by Eurofuns in Australia to comply to the 10 subject testing requirements and has been from the beginning, so nothing changes for us. For some other sunscreen companies however, it may not be so simple.
In NZ sunscreen is considered a cosmetic where as in Australia it is considered a Medicine and so the regulations are quite different between the two countries. New Zealand has the highest rate of Melanoma of anywhere in the World, it makes sense to us that any business who produces and sells sunscreen products should already have been following this testing process, but it will be very interesting in the coming years to see how these new requirements will change the industry.
Smaller sunscreen brands such as Sol have been keeping the industry honest for years, because to us, you are not just a number, we value each and every sale that we get, so it's imperative we provide you with the best and safest sunscreen possible, but it's great to know that if their are some other companies who haven't been following these guidelines until now, its reassuring to know they are going to be held accountable in the near future.
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